Bill Bickel Chimney Sweep
Tel: (201) 568-1614
Fax: (201) 387-8571
Sweeps Luck
Did you know that it’s good luck to see a chimney sweep on your wedding day, and most especially to shake his hand or be kissed by him? It is also considered good luck to touch a chimney sweep particularly early in the morning and to be greeted by a chimney sweep carrying a pig on New Year’s Day.
One legend has it that it all started in medieval England when one day the King was saved by a Chimney Sweep, who pushed him out of the way of a runaway horse and carriage. As a reward for his good deed, the King decreed that all Chimney Sweeps should henceforth be regarded as lucky.
Still another tradition goes back, so it is said, to a chimney sweep who lost his footing and fell from a roof. He was caught on the gutter and hanging by his foot when a young lass, whose hand was intended for another, reached through the window and pulled him in saving his life. They fell in love and the two were later married. Ever since, it has been considered good luck to have a chimney sweep at a wedding or special event, or to visit your house. Even to this day, chimney sweeps are invited to weddings to kiss the bride, assure a good start to a happy marriage, and to extend good fortune to the new hearth and home.
Here is Bill Bickel wishing a newly married couple "Sweeps Luck"!